Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Winter Warmers 50% Disc Afternoon Tea Set

Winter Warmers Coffee & Tea House @ Sunway Carnival Mall, Seberang Jaya.

So coincidentally the day when I walked in was 30th Dec.
The waiter jio me by saying," Today we got promotion loh, 50% discount oh for Afternoon Tea. Are you a member?!"
"Aiyah, I bukan member leh."
"Or you wanna join now?! Just pay RM38 then you are entitled for these...." *halfway flipping through the cards to let me read the T&C*
"......Well, today you can get 50% disc on Afternoon tea loh, then hor you are also entitled for a free one set of lunch/dinner *pointing to the 4 set dishes at the menu* or afternoon tea, but only on weekdays. ....."
"Oh....icic.....aa neh kuan ah..."
".....During normal days leh, you 'll get 20% off on F&B on weekdays, 10% off on F&B on weekends and public holidays...see?!*
Press press press calculator.....swey zhor. Telinga lembut. :)
"OK lah!"

Afternoon Tea Set for Two (Original price RM29.90++)


Hop to Winter Warmers 50% Disc Afternoon Tea Set for full view of this post.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Inconsistency in Vegetarian Noodles (Soup)

Kocha Taiwanese Delight 台灣古早味

Vegetarian Noodles (Soup) (素麵湯) (Set) RM14.80 nett - Alamak! How come it tasted so 180 degree different that my last visit. Was it because that the wok hasn't been heated up yet since we were the 1st few customers? The sausage was sour like chao swui , tasted very weird. The soup base also no yup mei. It's RM2 extra than the dry version, Hey!


Hop to Inconsistency in Vegetarian Noodles (Soup) for full view of this post.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

亞罗士打鸡丝面 (Alor Setar Kai See Min)

亞罗士打鸡丝面 (Alor Setar Kai See Min) - Ta pao version.

After eating once by chance, now I am addicted. There is no single day that I didn't dream of eating this Kai See Min.

Hop to 亞罗士打鸡丝面 (Alor Setar Kai See Min) for full view of this post.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Coffee Bean Xmas party

Xmas party @ office on 23rd Dec.
Our lady boss ordered the cupcakes from the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf ! Hou yeah mou?!

It's the first time for me to see & taste the Coffee Bean's cupcakes. 


Hop to Coffee Bean Xmas party for full view of this post.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Cuisine Bou 料理坊

uisine Bou 料理坊
This round I had a very enjoyable dinner at Cuisine Bou. Unlike last visit , this time I believe it's the correct dish choices that erased our ambiguity on its food quality. Morover we were well-entertained by a specky junior waiter who is very cute. Ha!
No more ramen this time!
We opted for Sashimi and Unagi!
Sashimi (Ume) 刺身(梅)
Mixed Raw Sashimi (RM35) - Five different types of sashimi freshly served aka sake (salmon), akami (tuna), siro maguro (white tuna), tako (octopus) and sime saba (mackerel).

Butter Fish (also known as white Tuna) - This was the most impressive out of all. It's creamy and dissolved in your mouth. Wow! Heavenly good! 简直是人间极品! 


Hop to Cuisine Bou 料理坊 for full view of this post.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Macaron Bites! 咬在口里,甜在心里!

I got limited amount to share. Oh no....Where am I going to buy in Penang if we yearn for more?!

Therefore I decided to take the memorable shots of their first bites on macarons! *crazy boh me?! *


Hop to Macaron Bites! 咬在口里,甜在心里!  for full view of this post.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dragon-i (龙的传人) Part II

香酥脆皮鸭 (半只) Deep Fried Crispy Duck (Half) (RM32) - Crispy duck was rather salty to be eaten alone. Therefore it's best to serve like what the waitress showed us.

These were the side dishes served together with the crispy duck meat.

That's how you gonna place the ingredients onto the 'apom' layer. Addition of a special sauce, sweet in taste, is a must!


Hop to Dragon-i (龙的传人) Part II for full view of this post.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dragon-i (龙的传人) Part I

Last Saturday we were invited to Dragon-i @ Queensbay Mall for a food review by Bigs Boy Oven (BBO). Oooh.....This was by far the most memorable meal out of the total three meals I ever had at Dragon-i !

We were ushered to the VIP section oh! The string-like curtain sets as a partition.

There was a Doraemon show running at the same time. Therefore we were actually right at the perfect timing and angle to watch the performance.


Hop to  Dragon-i (龙的传人) Part I for full view of this post.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Mama's Nyonya Food

Due to not able to find space for parking at the desired restaurant, we came across this Mama's signboard and decided to give it a try. I remembered the name of this restaurant as Christy has recently blogged about it.

Complimentary appetizer : ikan bilis with onion and chillis. Crunchy with strong onion kerabu taste.

Curry Kwey Kao - A fresh slice of kwey kao hu cooked in thick curry with scent of laksa leaves. To me, it tasted like the Hainanese curry but thicker.


Hop to Mama's Nyonya Food  for full view of this post.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Tsuruya Japanese Restaurant (鹤屋日本料理)

Tsuruya Japanese Restaurant (鹤屋日本料理)@ I-Avenue
It's been one year plus since our last visit here. This time we left with satisfaction mainly due to its fast serving on food (despite the Friday lunch crowd) and also entertained by one of its humorous and friendly waitress (妙人珠语) with spectacles. :)

The set lunch comes with prickle, fruit, coleslaw and rice.

Sake Teriyaki Salmon set (RM19+)

Hop to Tsuruya Japanese Restaurant (鹤屋日本料理) for full view of this post.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Georgetown Cafe Set Lunch

Georgetown Cafe @ E-Gate

The most eye-catching item at the menu is this!! Once look at it already SYIOK inside out!

We actually intended to hunt for its set lunch (forwarded by email). Email marketing works. :)


Hop to Georgetown Cafe Set Lunch  for full view of this post.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Apex Coffee

Apex Coffee @ Queensbay Jambatan
Before we decided to go and have a try, we guessed it should be more or less like the Old Town Kopitiam or the Red Island Cafe style.

One fast scan at the menu, "Yah, bingo!" For example, the different kinds of toast, the nissin noodle, the nasi lemak, the curry kinda chicken rice, tea and coffee & etc. Perhaps the most distinctive ones are its so-called 'nutritional' healthy meal with brown rice, garden salads and also cheese toast.


Hop to Apex Coffee  for full view of this post.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

中國民間瓦缸煨湯 (II) -人參花旗參雞湯

I brought YY to drink soup @ 中國民間瓦缸煨湯. She beh tahan after reading the PenangTuaPui's post that people forwarded to her loh. :)

I saw a new soup in their menu! It's 茶树菇巴西蘑菇排骨鸡汤 (tea tree mushroom, brazil mushroom, pai kwat, chicken soup) (RM20). Hmm... what a great news for a mushroom lover like me! but...keep for next time lah!

We opted for 人參花旗參雞湯 Yan Sum Fa Khei Sum Kai Tong (RM20 as of Sep 09) to reboost energy since both of us were still recuperating.

A claypot like this for two of us were in fact too much. Should we come in three persons then the portion will be just nice.


Hop to 中國民間瓦缸煨湯 (II) -人參花旗參雞湯  for full view of this post.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Dinner @ The Sire Museum

After suffering through day-missing-night-missing since my first visit @ The Sire Museum 震撼我心! , I was finally here sitting at thedining table during the 3rd visit. *Ooooh.....feeling super great!*Baked cheese bread - complimentary dish. It was sooooooooo soft! I think I could easily eat 10 pcs of them if they were placed in front of me! I really wonder if they have steamed it (like what I used to do on hainanese bread) and that's why the skin was not even a bit hard uh?!Mushroom Soup (~RM8++) Every spoonful was indeed rich in 'mushroom' aroma. I regretted for tasting it as I knew from now onwards I would definitely set this one at The Sire Museum as my standard! *not good for me....right?! :)*


Hop to Dinner @ The Sire Museum for full view of this post.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Crab Seafood Village @ Tanjung Bungah

Slight raining. Friday. I drove for 1 hr 20mins in order to reach there but it's worth it for it's a food meeting with flogger from US - Rasa Malaysia , arranged by Lingzie.

We ordered 2kgs of crabs, 2kgs of prawns, fried squids, kappa and hokkien char.
Hokkien Char - I sweared I didn't know that the flashing was coming from my camera until the 2nd dish arrived, which has actually meant MANY MANY shots later. *sorry to all* :)

We have them all baked - to savour the original taste!

I was very messy when trying to 'dissect' the crab. *malu aje*


Hop to Crab Seafood Village @ Tanjung Bungah for full view of this post.

Monday, December 01, 2008


I assume that duplicate 'tags' never mind one lah hor?! :)

I was tagged by What2seeOnline (on 11.Nov.08) and Lingzie (30.11.08) on Seven Facts About Myself or Seven Random Things About Myself.

1. I started blogging since Aug 05, inspired by Lettie's blog. I re-grouped all my food postings under Cariso Delicacies Corner only after some time, that's when I realized food has monopolized my blog(!). :)

2. I have great passion in cycling until today. I used to go mountainbiking. No longer mtb though. Now I am riding 'a pek' bicycle. One day if you come across a siao cha bor riding an a pek bicycle with a mtb helmet and handgloves, that's possibly me(!) :)

3. I hardly gain weight, in hokkien "chi liao bee". That's also one of the reasons for me to keep on eating - to 'gain weight' mah.

4. I enjoy dining with people who also enjoy and willing to spend for eating.

5. I seldom eat oily or fatty food and my cholesterol level is within spec. *kia si*

6. I started to gain more interest in food photoshooting after attending the 1st flogger's gathering.

7. I wish that the "flying-to-eat" kind of flogger gathering can be realized. *poe pi poe pi*

I would like to tag the following friends for the same topic.

Gill Gill
Little Inbox
Ah Shui

Poe pi poe pi....Hopefully no more tagging to me ah! :p