Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Ding Tai Feng IV

Got ppl crazy over Ding Tai Feng, not me ah. :)

Clockwise : yang shen xu hong zhao shui, zhi cai shui jiao, braised pork ramen, wo tie & jian bao.

 dtf Iv

ding tai feng III

ding tai feng II

(Shanghai's Ding Tai Feng)

Friday, January 26, 2007

still feel like pong chan boh?

600 cc @ Megamall Prai branch.

This 600 CC is the restaurant we visited since youth age lah. From its price rising trend, you can also see how great our inflation is. *shrugged*

RM14.20 for this.

The set menu : Zha Jiang Mian (big bowl) + drink. Like this is ~RM8.00 already. Can you still remember last time we can order the drink from pearl tea series, whatever flavour we want. Now they fix it, either chrysanthemum tea or white coffee. Take it or leave it.

Aiyoh........tell me lah, cam ni lu masih teringin nak 'pong chan' boh?

Monday, January 22, 2007


Last Sat my chee mui asked me out lah to see if I have already half-dead with bubbles coming out from my mouth.

Kochabi @ Burmah Road (Yyg's favourite). Gosh, they chose Kochabi the meeting place out of soooooooo many places. Fated lah I got to confront it.

Set order below ranges from RM12 to RM15 (excluding tax).

Wah....so many small dishes made us look like we were having korean food huh!

Crepe cottage @ Gurney (this one is also Yyg 's favourite lah, I where got appetite to eat wor)

Friday, January 19, 2007


味之家小食馆 (Wei Zhi Jia Tasty Home Recipe), Persiaran Bayan Indah, Opposite Queensbay Mall (Starbucks).

Wei Zhi Jia 01

Set Lunch RM5.00++ (free soup) w/o drinks
Wei Zhi Jia 02
We 5x kaki , 4x ordered set lunch, 1x ordered ala carte black pepper udon.

clockwise : set lunch menu, hai te ia + milo drinks, mushroom pig leg claypot + rice, fried black pepper udon, soup, abalone soup chicken + rice, mui choy kao yuk + rice.
Wei Zhi Jia 03

Everyone was contented with his/her dish. Frankly speaking its serving size is more OK than those rice-kinda set lunch we had before at somewhere else. I was satisfied with my mushroom pig leg set too. Less than RM6.00 nia wor including tax, 抵到烂啦! Fried udon was good too.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Fusion Experience

Fusion Experience @ Lintang Batu Maung (near OCBC, nasi kandar there)

My second visit. Menu still the same.

The rice set lunch ~RM6.50 consists of rice +drink + fruit.

Fusion menu
left : chicken; right : gong bou hoi xin (gong bou seafood)
Fusion main

Fusion drinks and fruits

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Penang Ding Tai Feng 上海鼎泰丰 (II)

Penang Shanghai's Ding Tai Feng (上海鼎泰丰) @ Queensbay (Persiaran Bayan Indah, Bayan Bay. 04-6441644)

My first visit was back in Sept 06.

This time a lot of improvement has been seen. Most significant one is its serving speed. They have also added a new menu merely for Shanghai ramen lovers.

Porridge (粥) - 赞! 很精致!

上海小笼包 (Shanghai Juicy Meat Dumpling) - 赞!

Xiao Long Bao
生煎菜肉包 (Shanghai's Panfried Bun) - 我老妈喜欢也!
Jian Bao
煎猪肠粉 (Fried chee cheong fun) -特别!
Jian Zhu Chang Fen
汤圆姜茶 (sweet dumpling ginger tea) - 汤圆内含花生馅.虽然我不大爱吃花生, 但这汤圆姜茶-我爱! 赞!
Tang Yuan Jiang Cha
鱼丸拉面 (Fish Ball ramen)
Yu Wan La Mian

云吞拉面 (Wan than ramen)
Yun Tun La Mian
榨菜拉面 (zha chai dried ramen)
Zha Cai La Mian

All the ramen soup (拉面汤头) is yummy good.

There is one couple sitting behind us who ordered one dried ramen, one soup ramen and shaky drinks. The lady left half plate of her ramen uneaten. The guy left the shake half cup untouched. Well, just a reminder to those who haven't tasted shang hai dishes before lah. Come here to look for 道地上海吃 (shanghai local cuisine), 清淡 (not strongly flavoured),and most importantly is 原汁原味 (original taste) and 精致 (delicate). If you are someone who can't eat without chillis, ketchup, cabai burung; look for rendang, kuah, fried dishes; then perhaps you won't taste the beauty of such shanghai delicacies. :)

p/s: Listening now is the Soler 's Mo Sheng Ren (陌生人) non-stop now. :p Haha!

My some other blogs on Ding Tai Feng.

(Ding Tai Feng IV)
(Ding Tai Feng III)
Ding Tai Feng 上海鼎泰丰 (II)
(Shanghai's Ding Tai Feng)

Sunday, January 07, 2007

美食之家 Max Gourmet

美食之家 (Restoran Max Gourmet Sdn Bhd) @45G, Bayan Bay (Opposite Queensbay).

Opens 7a.m. to 4p.m.

Dim Sum, Noodle, Baked Rice.

This one is under the same taukeh of 美食之家茶餐厅 (Maxim Dim Sum Restaurant) @ Bangunan Lip Sin, Sg Dua.

Of coz this one also caters for food hunters who are looking for higher and more comfy standard compared to the one at Sg Dua.

The food quality is the same as Sg Dua's one and the dishes are served fast. We all know that most of the restaurants inside Queensbay there hardly reserve any good comments so far due to bad service, slow serving, bad food quality and etc.

Maxim Gourmet

Maxim Menu

Clockwise : 狗不理包子/小笼包, 石甲鱼片河粉,蚝, 鱼头,水饺汤.

Maxim Dishes

For dumpling 小笼包, 汤包, of coz it can't beat Ding Tai Feng (鼎太丰) at all lah. Even the shui kao soup, Ding Tai Feng' 汤头 is superb.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Chicken Rice Shop

The Chicken Rice Shop @ Queensbay.

Chicken Rice Shop 02

Chicken Rice Shop 01

This set caters for 3-4 persons RM45++. Wah piang....boh ha mik tat leh...if not during rush hour surely no pong chan.

Since ppl belanja then diam lah you. :)

Monday, January 01, 2007

Wan Chai Kopitiam

湾仔茶餐厅 (Hong Kong Wan Chai) @ Farlim

It resembles the Wong Kok style. As for me, I personally think that the food quality here is good, far better than Wong Kok. It worths the amount being spent lah at least. Well, don't you ever mention to me that Hongkie Kopitiam loh.

Wan Chai menu

shark fin soup (not kin yae :) coz RM6.90 only ha!) , yong zhao chao fun, ngao lam min.
Wan Chai Dishes

Wan Chai Ambience

Every RM10 spent is entitled for RM1 voucher.

Wan Chai Voucher

Soon Lee Ho @ Jawi

Jawi Chai Koay

I personally felt that this one is not as good as the Sin Soon Lee or the Old shop. Of coz three of them also full house one lah during holiday.