慢慢移, 轻轻提,
先开窗, 后吮汤,
馅儿滑, 肉更香,
上海小笼包 (Shanghai Juicy Meat Dumpling) - at least not as disappointed & chiu chuak as the other restaurants which claim to have original xiao long bao or tang bao.
西杏香芒秋 (Deep-Fried Prawn & Mango Ball w/Almond) - 赞!
上海葱油饼 (Shanghai's Spring Onion) - to be eaten with peanut paste. So-so.
生煎菜肉包 (Shanghai's Panfried Bun) -For me is so so.
上海葱油拉面 (Shanghai Spring Onion Ramen) - this one tastes exactly like our instant noodle Indomie loh. :)
自制鱼丸汤 (Fish Ball Soup) - So so.
奶皇刺猬包 (Pockey Mouse) - 赞!卖相佳也.
鱼皮卷 (Fish Roll) -赞!
蒸萝卜糕 (Steamed Radish Cake) - If not mistaken, the menu written there as 煎 (fried) one, but it was a 蒸 (steamed) dish when served. Hmm.....
Temporary Menu
Business Hours : 8.00a.m to 6.00p.m.