Friday, March 02, 2007

Beside snake temple

This kopitiam don't know how one lah, lu lai lu boh business or what we don't know lah ... only left three stalls nia nia now.

One of them is this stall with multi-type of orders available one. Two of them (a couple) got to deal with so many kinds of diff orders? tim hmm tim ah?! Sure hmm tim lah. Simple dishes also got to wait very long loh. To save time, we even went and took the dishes by ourselves when ready. *tsk tsk tsk*

Up to down : RM4.00- 5.00 the so-called 'set' menu with soup. The kai pei is very BIG loh until that iao lur kaki also changed to this set instead of fish. The bak kee mee sua is mine loh. J asked me," here better or that day Summer Cafe one better?" "Aiks, of coz Summer Cafe lah, but there kwee siao leh." :)

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