Monday, March 26, 2007

Red Garden

Red Garden Food Court @ Leith Street.

Yaya....ronda one round and saw RAMEN. Aiyah...mana boleh tahan right?! of coz this ramen 痴 would choose ramen lah.....and you should have known the result how a ramen in a food court like this could be.

Tai lou, totally hmm tim leh! Miso ramen - The soup not kiam like normal ramen soup langsung! It got very little taste of miso. It came with lotsa vege. I thought I was ordering 蔬菜清汤面, 哇考!

The ramen was served together with this. one fried suikao + sausage?! *weird hor?!* :) 盛惠RM5.80.

The yong tao hoo. Got ppl complaint whole night thirsty after eating this.

I believe.......they were mostly 半路出家.

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