Monday, June 01, 2009

Azuma - too happy getting the card until.....

Initially it's 6 pax -> later became 7 pax -> at the end became 10 pax. We a total of 10 pax reached there late therefore we actually need to eat fast cabut fast. Their serving speed was considered OK as we came in a big group and they managed to serve us in about ~20 mins time after we placed our order.

This round I managed to get the VIP card already, all thanks to T for his reminder.
" promotion on sushi leh 30% woh if got VIP card!"
"Don't have leh." I showed him the 'sad smiley' face. 那壺不開提那壺!
"How much is entitled to apply the card leh?"
"RM200 in a single receipt."
"Ei, like that can woh, we today got 10 pax tea is charged separately RM1 each. Enough leh! Apply lah."
"Ya woh! Kam sia for reminding!"
OK, I F-I-N-A-L-L-Y managed to get the card. :p

As usual I would try out the Set of the Month. The rest of them mostly ordered the Chiken Teriyaki Set (RM18). (not in pic)

Left (1) : Niku Pirikara Itame - Pan-fried chicken and fresh vegetables in spicy sauce. (RM12) (usual price RM22) - this one was rather spicy. Mr K told me he lao sai 3x after he ate. He could't stand the spiciness apparently. Haha!

Left (2) : Hotate Iri Chahan - Scallops fried rice (RM10) - this one was more fragant than the garlic fried rice.


Hop to Azuma - too happy getting the card until..... for full view of this post.

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