Monday, August 17, 2009

Penang Floggers 4th Gathering @ Vintage Bulgaria (Food Part)

Last Saturday night I had a wonderful time @ Vintage Bulgaria celebrating our Penang Floggers 4th Gathering.

I was really impressed with most of the dishes that they offered on that night. It totally washed away the negative impression which I had initially back in last year.

Our menu of that night (click to enlarge).

Mushroom Soup, served with 'Vintage' garlic bread. [My rating : 8/10] .
This soup is pretty same like the JL Gourmet Cafe one which have mushrooms blended as ingredients. I like the way they served the cheese-baked garlic bread which is soft and only slightly crispy on the outside.

Seafood Soup [My rating : 9/10]
This soup may look pretty plain externally but I personally prefer this seafood soup to the mushroom soup above. It has a stronger aromatic taste with crabststick, tuna and etc all blended in.

Our table of six ordered all the main course dishes given in the menu. Therefore each of us got the chance to taste all different dishes ! Blissful leh?! :)
Out of all the FIVE maincourse dishes that we had, I ranked it according to my preference as below.
TOP 1 : Bulgarian Pork Djolan (Traditional roasted pork knuckle) [My rating : 9.5/10]

I am not a person who likes oily food BUT I ranked this as NUMBER ONE. Could you believe it?! Hehe! It must have got the super sexy 'inner beauty' that attracted me uh?!

The pork is roasted in such a way that exhibits internally tenderly soft texture and yet remains its juiciness. The external one is the most irresistably killing one - crispy skin overlying the fat....MOU TAK TENG AH! I like eating it in original taste without any sauce-dippings.

Using your knife cutting a cross section directly from the crispy skin-> fatty layer -> juicy meat -> WORRY about CHOLESTEROL some other days lah! :p

Top 2 : Baked Cod Fish Fillet (finished with creamy mushroom sauce). [My rating : 8.5/10]


Hop to Penang Floggers 4th Gathering @ Vintage Bulgaria (Food Part) for full view of this post.

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