Monday, January 18, 2010

Wang Chao Hong Kong Seafood Poon Choy - 補上腦嘞!

Wang Chao 旺朝 @ Pekaka Square

We have RM60 voucher (donated) thus we decided to go for Poon Choy session that we missed out during last December plus treat this as our early CNY reunion lunch. Last Friday.

Ingredients of Poon Choy are :Shark fin, fresh scallop, chinese mushroom, fish maw, dried scallop, baby abalone, dried oyster, sea cucumber, abalone mushroom, sea asparagus, prawn, fatt choy, broccoli, chinese cabbage, small cabbage.
(魚翅, 鮮帶子, 冬菇, 魚飄, 干瑤柱, 湯鲍, 蠔士, 海參, 苓芝菇, 海龍鬚, 大蝦, 發菜, 西蘭花, 中國白菜, 小白菜).

This Poon Choy RM499 package consists of :

法蘭西紅酒 (Red Wine) 2 bottles.

人參瑤柱烏雞湯( Stewed Jin Shen, dried scallop & black chicken soup) each. This is the one which we believed that made half table of us getting the ' 補上腦嘞!' effect (read below). From our root cause analysis blah blah, and also from the fact that two persons who didn't drink red wine also kena.

香蒜荷葉臘味飯 (Garlic Lotus Leaf Rice) each . This one is not satisfactory, no fragance, only see all BLACK BLACK one.

Poon Choy (looks a bit MINI to us lah...haha!) (more.....)

Hop to Wang Chao Hong Kong Seafood Poon Choy - 補上腦嘞! for full view of this post.

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