Friday, May 20, 2011

風味小食館 Foong Wei Heong Restaurant : Quickly eat and go away!

Foong Wei Heong gives me such impression. I don't know about you. *shrugged*

Pros : Fast in serving. Serving quality dishes.

Cons : Have a kind of feeling of rushing you to quickly eat and go away.

I went there in early May. Booking time was changed from 7.30pm to 6.00pm, per their request (to spread out the crowd). Prior to this successful booking, many calls were done.

Fyi, just as soon as we finished our dishes, they quickly cleared the table. Another thing is as soon as we settled the bill, we were not 'allowed' at all to sit there chit-chatting while drinking tea (coz they stopped serving you tea already! hinting you to leave already mah!) and guess what?! they started to pull away the red cloth (table cover)! Wahlau ei!!!!!!!!!!!

Spring Roll

Sea Cucumber with Mushroom & Broccoli

Shiong Tong Yun Choy


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