Monday, June 06, 2011

James Foo Western Food

Finally I was able to squeeze into this restaurant after driving past there thrice. It always looks FULL HOUSE mah!

This premise is far more comfortable and eye-catching than the old one.

Modern and hygienic interior deco.

Under the same pricing standard, I would definitely opt for this restaurant rather than 'the other one nearby'. :)

Still, under such 'comfortable' ambience, NO additional charges (service tax/gov tax) is imposed. THIS IS THE BEST!

Blackcurrent Jumbo RM5.50 / Chrysanthemum tea RM1.50

Real big! See? Big jumbo glass which is taller than the chilli sauce bottle.

Fresh Oxtail Soup RM8.00 (only served during weekends). Two pcs of tender oxtail rings in this bowl.

Accompanied with potatoes and carrots. Hmm......bei pai leh!


Hop over to James Foo Western Food for full view of this post.

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