We had another round of makan - celebrated CE's birthday. Dragon eye has no chance to go yet, so pong chan this one first lah. :)

First row pics: 山渣蘋果凍 RM3.20, 鮮蝦水餃面RM7.80
Second row pics : 排骨桶仔蒸飯 RM9.80, 上海蟹王拌面 RM9.80,麻花湯圓 RM4.80, 上海水煎包 RM5.60
Third row pics: 海鮮灌湯餃 RM12.00, 芝麻糊 RM2.90,蜜瓜西米露 RM5.00, 紅蓮燉雪蛤 RM6.80
Prices excluding tax. Jusco card-disc 20%.